Unemployment is a problem which affects the whole world , the main point is that unemployed people do not have money to support their families, they are not updated about their jobs , spend their time in bad things , and in some cases , it is highly probable they show criminal behavior.
Also, when society has unemployed people are quite likely to become unstable affecting the whole country. This problem is caused by many reasons: the low level of education that the people have, they do not have proper qualification in order to perform the jobs that are availa ble.
Other cause is the lack of money that the government has, many countries do not have enough money to create jobs. Monopoly is another cause of unemployment, there are many big companies, which do not allow government and small companies to create more jobs because they have privileges of selling and fabricating products.
One possible way to overcome this problem would be to provide people more opportunities for studying and having the abilities required in the jobs available. Also, encourage them to get a degree; the outcome of providing education might be to have qualified people.
Government should focus their efforts on improving the situation of unemployment and to reduce the impact on society.
By generating, jobs and huge budget, government can ensure jobs for everybody and in consequence an optimal condition in their lifes. Also, incentives and subsidies industries should be taken so as to combat unemployment.
Another way to deal with this problem would be to destroy monopolies; the big companies are earning big amounts of money by exploiting their exclusives privileges and having few employees. As a result, many small companies can be extended and allow them produce more products or services; in consequence, they would need more people to produce.
Another suggestion which would help to solve the problem of increased unemployment might be to updated employees, companies must qualify their employees. If this was happen, people will not lose their jobs, because they are skillful workers.
One final suggestion to eradicate the problem of unemployment is to offer free courses, in which, they can learn crafts, languages, and other skills .As a result, people can obtain a better job.
To sum up, there are several solutions which should be taken so as to combat unemployment. If government and society focus their attention and efforts alike, it would be make unemployment obsolete, and if this happen, the result would be beneficial for society, countries economy and future generations. Also, it can encourage children to study a lot in order to have a better job and thus they can have a better lifestyle.